Adron Homes, a leading real estate company committed to making homeownership accessible to everyone, is proud to announce the launch of the Vidco Plot series. This...
The Chairman and Group Managing Director of Adron Homes and Properties, Aare Adetola Emmanuel-King has extended warm wishes to the Muslim community as they celebrate...
At the World Press conference of the forthcoming 2024 Ojude-Oba Festival in Ijebu-Ode, the management and organizing committee of the annual event has unveiled plans...
Adron Homes team consisting of Senior executives and the Chairman and Group Managing Director; Aare Adetola Emmanuel-King has paid a courtesy business visit to the...
In a momentous gesture of gratitude and recognition, the Adron Homes Management Team orchestrated a surprise celebration at the esteemed West Park & Gardens Estate,...
As the world marks International Workers’ Day, Adron Homes takes a moment to extend heartfelt appreciation to all the unsung heroes who tirelessly contribute to...
Glamtush reports that Adron Homes’ renowned Business Warfare Challenge, THE ARENA, is set to commence once again, heralding an exciting period of strategic competition and...
In celebration of this year’s World Day for Safety and Health, Adron Homes orchestrated a dynamic Fitness Hangout Event, firmly rooted in the principles of...
An embodiment of modern luxury and convenience. With access to a suite of modern facilities such as football pitches and recreational grounds, residents can immerse...
Nestled in the heart of Ogun State, Sagamu stands as a beacon of economic potential in Nigeria. Its strategic location along major transportation routes, including...