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FCCPC Launches Investigation into Coca-Cola Nigeria Ltd and Nigerian Bottling Company Business Practices



The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) has commenced a comprehensive investigation into the business practices of Coca-Cola Nigeria Ltd and its bottling partner, Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC). Newslens NG reports that this announcement was made public in a press release issued yesterday, 1st August 2024, by the FCCPC, underscoring the Commission’s commitment to ensuring fair competition and consumer protection in the Nigerian market.

This Nigerian newspaper platform reports that the investigation arises from numerous complaints lodged by consumers and stakeholders within the beverage industry, highlighting potential anti-competitive practices and consumer rights violations by the two companies. The FCCPC, mandated to oversee and regulate market competition and consumer protection, has taken these allegations seriously, initiating a thorough probe to ascertain the validity of these claims.


“The FCCPC is dedicated to maintaining a fair marketplace where consumer rights are safeguarded, and competition thrives. We have received multiple reports concerning Coca-Cola Nigeria Ltd and Nigerian Bottling Company, necessitating an in-depth investigation into their operational practices,” the press release stated.

Among the issues being investigated are potential monopolistic behaviors, unfair pricing strategies, and questionable marketing tactics that could harm both consumers and competitors. The FCCPC will scrutinise the companies’ supply chain processes, distribution agreements, and pricing policies to determine if any violations of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act (FCCPA) have occurred.


The Commission emphasised the importance of transparency and cooperation in the investigation. Both Coca-Cola Nigeria Ltd and NBC have been urged to provide full disclosure and facilitate access to necessary documents and information. The FCCPC assured the public that the investigation would be conducted with utmost diligence and impartiality, aiming to conclude it swiftly while ensuring all findings are accurate and comprehensive.

Consumer advocacy groups have welcomed the FCCPC’s move, expressing hope that the investigation will lead to greater accountability and improved business practices in the sector. “This investigation is a crucial step towards protecting consumer rights and ensuring fair competition in the beverage industry. We commend the FCCPC for taking this bold initiative,” said a spokesperson from the Consumer Protection Advocacy Group.


Coca-Cola Nigeria Ltd and Nigerian Bottling Company have yet to release official statements regarding the investigation. However, industry analysts predict that the outcome of the FCCPC’s probe could significantly impact the companies’ market strategies and operations in Nigeria.

The FCCPC’s investigation reflects its broader commitment to upholding consumer rights and fostering a competitive business environment. The Commission has reiterated its call for consumers and industry stakeholders to continue reporting any suspected anti-competitive behaviors or consumer rights infringements to enable prompt and effective regulatory actions.


As the investigation unfolds, the FCCPC has pledged to keep the public informed of significant developments and findings. The Commission’s proactive stance serves as a reminder to all businesses operating in Nigeria of the importance of adhering to ethical practices and regulatory standards to maintain a fair and thriving marketplace.

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